Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.
The Restaurant
Located in a happy and peaceful garden a few steps from the center of Lugano,
the Grotto della Salute, since its origins at the end of the nineteenth century, has been characterized by the authenticity and simplicity of its culinary offerings.
Today with the addition of both a touch of elegance to the venue and a more contemporary cuisine.
Our menus
Menu di Pasqua
Domenica 20 aprile 2025
Vitello tonnato della tradizione
Polpo arrostito con guacamole, taccole, edamame e la sua maionese
Foie gras caldo d’anatra su purea di fave, insalatina di primizie e tartufo, crumble di mandorle salate e alghe
Uovo morbido al parmigiano su mousseline di patate allo zafferano con asparagi, piselli e pomodorini al forno
Primi Piatti
Risotto agli asparagi con ragù di spugnole
Tagliatelle al sugo di agnello, fave e tartufo
Fregola in ristretto di datterino giallo e frutti di mare, piselli e basilico
Secondi Piatti
Capretto della tradizione agli aromi con patate novelle, rosmarino e pancetta
Costa di manzo cotta al rosa con salsa bernese, millefoglie di patate, cipolline e asparagi
Baccalà su passatina di piselli, olive, grissini, erbe e primizie
Clafoutis all’arancia candita, crema chantilly, caramello agli agrumi e gelato Malaga
Créme brulèe Mou con gel alla williamine e polvere di pistacchi
Fragole fresche con crema al mascarpone
Sorbetto al lampone con fragole infuse al rosmarino
Colomba Pasquale Artigianale
Menu Completo
Menu completo 4 portate

The chef
Fabio Barbaglini
Already working at the age of 14, in the kitchens of Lake Maggiore, Fabio Barbaglini completed his studies in Switzerland, and then worked in various international starred restaurants, until he opened his first restaurant at the age of 23, the "Caffè Groppi" in Trecate (No), awarded the Michelin star in 2003.
Since 2022 Fabio Barbaglini has been part of our team at the Grotto della Salute as Chef.
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Eating with the Artist
The Grotto della Salute exhibits the works during 2023
by Marco Tamburro
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